After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.

After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.
Preamble: I wrote this article back in 2003 and I rewrote it in early 2005. Back then, it was meant primarily for a copywriting audience. Now that I specialize in SEO, and seeing how the concept of “funnels” is gaining popularity, I took the liberty to slightly update it. One problem in SEO, copywriting, content, […]
These days, I do a lot of SEO consulting and content strategy work. But a big part of my career was in copywriting. And when I write copy, some tools help me tremendously. Whether it’s doing research, writing the copy itself, or working with my clients, there are certain resources that help. I previously shared […]
There are some people I follow religiously in the SEO space. These SEO experts are quite active on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. There are too many to mention, so I’ll list some now and I might add more later. Keep in mind that some of them have email newsletters and podcasts, too. I tend to […]
On David Garfinkel’s copywriting podcast, we talked about SEO copywriting, and how it’s just as important for boosting conversion as it is for driving traffic.
Preamble: today, I’m taking a walk down memory lane, talking about my history and the seedy side of marketing. It’s not pretty. I tell this story in large part as a warning and a lesson. If you’re OK with that, then join me, will you? After watching a brilliant video with copywriter Jim Clair opening […]
In this podcast, coach and speaker Ed Rush grilled me on copywriting, marketing, SEO, and positioning, and how to use these to secretly dominate your market.
In 1992, I wrote power positioning as a way to help attract clients in my early career as a marketing consultant without the need for cold-calling or selling.