After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.

After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.
Preamble: today, I’m taking a walk down memory lane, talking about my history and the seedy side of marketing. It’s not pretty. I tell this story in large part as a warning and a lesson. If you’re OK with that, then join me, will you? After watching a brilliant video with copywriter Jim Clair opening […]
5 things to consider when beginning a funnel marketing approach. This approach will help build quality leads and set your sales process apart from marketing spam.
For the better part of 30 years, I told the story of how I got into marketing and copywriting, which was completely by accident. I only recently realized that I’ve been wrong all along. Well, not entirely, because the story is certainly true. What was wrong was my reason behind it. My first career was […]
A subscriber to my daily newsletter, Corinne Swainger, asked a question, reprinted here with permission: Today, many people tend to associate the word “copywriter” with someone who only writes websites, content marketing or blogs. This often means practically everyone now thinks they can write, and is therefore a copywriter. My own background is based in […]
In 1992, I wrote power positioning as a way to help attract clients in my early career as a marketing consultant without the need for cold-calling or selling.
Preamble: A friend wrote about her recent ADHD diagnosis at age 45. I was diagnosed at 52, so it resonated deeply with me. I found myself nodding with each symptom she described. It inspired me to write one of my own. I was reluctant to discuss this at first and open myself up this way. […]
Some people don’t mind hard-hitting copy, while others prefer newsy copy. Some people prefer long copy to get as much information as possible, others prefer short, brief, to-the-point copy. Some like drama, stories, and testimonials; others data, statistics, and facts. Does it all matter? Absolutely. What makes one style of copy more favorable than another? […]
In 2005, I interviewed Gary Halbert and John Carlton. Just a year before he passed away, Gary Halbert shared his best, timeless copywriting lessons for free.