After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.

After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.
SEO is hypercompetitive. So to rank well on Google, a 360° SEO consultant looks at not just one but multiple types of SEO.
There are some people I follow religiously in the SEO space. These SEO experts are quite active on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. There are too many to mention, so I’ll list some now and I might add more later. Keep in mind that some of them have email newsletters and podcasts, too. I tend to […]
This week, I watched a video from one of my favourite people, Dori Clark, who talked about writer’s block. She said, “I don’t believe in writer’s block, it doesn’t exist.” Her point, coming from a journalism background, is that when you’re facing constant deadlines, you never have writer’s block because you can’t have it. Writer’s […]
A subscriber to my daily newsletter, Corinne Swainger, asked a question, reprinted here with permission: Today, many people tend to associate the word “copywriter” with someone who only writes websites, content marketing or blogs. This often means practically everyone now thinks they can write, and is therefore a copywriter. My own background is based in […]
In 1992, I wrote power positioning as a way to help attract clients in my early career as a marketing consultant without the need for cold-calling or selling.
As part of my coaching program, students can ask me unlimited questions via email. One common question I seem to get is, “I’m new to copywriting, where do I start?” Since my coaching students also get access to any of my digital programs, they also get access to my private website, where I share over […]
In late 2005 (and early 2006), I predicted the death of the text-heavy, long-scrolling sales letter and the birth of an interactive, content-driven, multimedia model.