After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.

After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.
A subscriber to my daily newsletter, Corinne Swainger, asked a question, reprinted here with permission: Today, many people tend to associate the word “copywriter” with someone who only writes websites, content marketing or blogs. This often means practically everyone now thinks they can write, and is therefore a copywriter. My own background is based in […]
The most important part of your copy is not your headline, not your offer, and certainly not your benefits. The most important part is your customer. Sounds obvious, right? But I’ve critiqued some pretty good copy. Very well-written and compelling, too. But if the conversion rate is low (hence, the reason why I was hired […]