
Why I Switched From Copywriting to SEO Consulting?

After I left copywriting and moved to SEO consulting, I’m often asked why. Shady clients and losing my entire family played a major role. Here’s the full story.


Do Page Builders Affect WordPress SEO?

An SEO consultant asked for my advice on the best plugins for WordPress SEO, and wondered if page builders like Beaver Builder or Elementor can affect it.


How to Target Your Perfect Customer

The most important part of your copy is not your headline, not your offer, and certainly not your benefits. The most important part is your customer. Sounds obvious, right? But I’ve critiqued some pretty good copy. Very well-written and compelling, too. But if the conversion rate is low (hence, the reason why I was hired […]


Risk-Reversal’s Role Reversal

The greater portion of my career has been in copywriting, selling, and direct marketing. And one of the common denominators I’ve found in any successful piece of sales copy is the power of risk reversal. That is, taking a larger risk from the sale than the purchaser of your product. Risk reversal is a powerful […]


The Death of The Salesletter

In late 2005 (and early 2006), I predicted the death of the text-heavy, long-scrolling sales letter and the birth of an interactive, content-driven, multimedia model.


Narrow Your Focus to Broaden Your Sales

In the competitive marketplace of the new millennium, the demand for specialized products or services will increase. If your site sells everything or to everyone, chances are that your audience will not perceive any greater value in shopping from you than anyone else. The more generic you are, the greater your competition will be since […]


Gary Halbert Interview #2

In 2005, I interviewed Gary Halbert and John Carlton. In this second call with Gary Halbert before he passed away, he offers more timeless copywriting tips.