Preamble: I wrote this article back in 2003 and I rewrote it in early 2005. Back then, it was meant primarily for a copywriting audience. Now that I specialize in SEO, and seeing how the concept of “funnels” is gaining popularity, I took the liberty to slightly update it. One problem in SEO, copywriting, content, […]
Tag: knowledge
6 Quick Ways to Spy On Your SEO Competition
Some competitors may not compete with you on SEO. Other competitors are siphoning traffic away from you. SEO competition is complex, use these 6 tips to improve ranking.
How to Secretly Dominate Your Market
In this podcast, coach and speaker Ed Rush grilled me on copywriting, marketing, SEO, and positioning, and how to use these to secretly dominate your market.
Having a community of existing clients in certain professions, such as lawyers and doctors, and a digital marketing specialist is obviously challenging if not prohibitive.
Blowing your own horn can seem like a productive marketing effort, and it may seem to communicate self-confidence. But it’s often done wrong, which makes it ineffective and counterproductive, and can even backfire. Saying you’re the best in your field, your claim is suspect and dismissible at best, and arrogant and disdainful at worst. Either way, you […]
The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning
In 1992, I wrote power positioning as a way to help attract clients in my early career as a marketing consultant without the need for cold-calling or selling.
I covered headlines many times already. You can find posts about headlines here. But here are some additional tips. There are two huge mistakes people make when they write headlines. Either they are too bland and don’t say enough (such as when they attempt to simply summarize), or they say too much to cover all […]
The Death of The Salesletter
In late 2005 (and early 2006), I predicted the death of the text-heavy, long-scrolling sales letter and the birth of an interactive, content-driven, multimedia model.
The other day, one of my readers asked me the following question, which I found rather interesting: “Why should the author of a product be included in their sales copy?” Seems like a pretty redundant question, right? Especially to any veteran copywriter or marketer worth their salt. But the question didn’t stop there. The reader […]