With plastic surgeons, visual content marketing is key. However, here are three important SEO tips you must apply to your visual content before marketing it.
Visual Content Marketing Starts With SEO

With plastic surgeons, visual content marketing is key. However, here are three important SEO tips you must apply to your visual content before marketing it.
There are some people I follow religiously in the SEO space. These SEO experts are quite active on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. There are too many to mention, so I’ll list some now and I might add more later. Keep in mind that some of them have email newsletters and podcasts, too. I tend to […]
Performing an SEO competitive analysis can ensure your business is competing for the right keywords and producing quality content with proven results.
When it comes to managing your SEO, there are hundreds if not thousands of tools out there. Check out these 6 important free SEO tools.
As a professional, your content is your beacon. It’s what gets people to notice you; it gets them to learn more about you this works the same in a Google Ranking check.
The greater portion of my career has been in copywriting, selling, and direct marketing. And one of the common denominators I’ve found in any successful piece of sales copy is the power of risk reversal. That is, taking a larger risk from the sale than the purchaser of your product. Risk reversal is a powerful […]
As part of my coaching program, students can ask me unlimited questions via email. One common question I seem to get is, “I’m new to copywriting, where do I start?” Since my coaching students also get access to any of my digital programs, they also get access to my private website, where I share over […]
I covered headlines many times already. You can find posts about headlines here. But here are some additional tips. There are two huge mistakes people make when they write headlines. Either they are too bland and don’t say enough (such as when they attempt to simply summarize), or they say too much to cover all […]
When writing direct response copy, a few things can maximize the responsiveness of your message. The first and most important element that can turn any website, salesletter, or advertisement into an action-generating mechanism is, without question, the headline. But lately, I’m seeing more and more headlines that are limp, bloated, or simply dead wrong. A […]