
I Was Lying For Over 30 Years

For the better part of 30 years, I told the story of how I got into marketing and copywriting, which was completely by accident. I only recently realized that I’ve been wrong all along. Well, not entirely, because the story is certainly true. What was wrong was my reason behind it. My first career was […]


Perfection Is The Perfect Way To Ruin Good Marketing

This week, I watched a video from one of my favourite people, Dori Clark, who talked about writer’s block. She said, “I don’t believe in writer’s block, it doesn’t exist.” Her point, coming from a journalism background, is that when you’re facing constant deadlines, you never have writer’s block because you can’t have it. Writer’s […]


Rip Up Your To-Do List And Use This Instead

I’ve used many task management programs throughout my career. Whether they were to-do lists, daily planners, journal notebooks, online tools, software applications (too many!), etc. Name it and I’ve probably used it. And each time, I keep coming back to one. It has been my favourite method for a long time. The reason is simple: […]


The Pitfalls and Blessings of ADHD

Preamble: A friend wrote about her recent ADHD diagnosis at age 45. I was diagnosed at 52, so it resonated deeply with me. I found myself nodding with each symptom she described. It inspired me to write one of my own. I was reluctant to discuss this at first and open myself up this way. […]