
The “Ask Michel Anything” Episode Series on YouTube [All]

I experimented with creating my own video or vlogging series based on questions people asked. But this was just an experiment. I later switched to another channel, but I wanted to post the eight episodes here.

If you want to know when I post new stuff, subscribe to my YouTube channel. Better yet, sign up to my free email newsletter, The More Traffic Memo.

Who is Michel Fortin?

As the first video in my vlogging/podcasting journey, I decided to give you a bit of history about me, where I come from, what I did to become who I am today, and where I’m going. I little shaky and I’m testing the camera, sound, angle, and lighting. (Lots of fixes I need to do, but that’s why it’s a test!)

If you liked my little vlog and you have a question you would like for me to answer, please let me know. Post in the comments below, or simply tag me on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn. You can also send your questions by email or using this form. I’ll put it in the queue and answer it when I can.

Here are some of the links mentioned in the video:

Ask Michel Episode #1

In this first episode of #AskMichel, I tackle the question that many professionals (e.g., doctors, lawyers, etc) have with their marketing, which is: “How does one claim superiority over their peers without breaking any licensing rules or regulations?”

Most professionals cannot claim superiority and are often stuck when they talk about a process, procedure, or product/service that is demonstrably superior to others in their vertical. So how can one work around the rules while reducing the risk of being sanctioned? There are many ways to do this ethically, and in this video, I tackle one of them.

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Ask Michel Episode #2

In this episode of #AskMichel, I talk about the stage of awareness that your market happens to be, and how to shift your marketing, copywriting, and digital marketing campaigns to match it.

In it, I talk about my OATH formula. The goal is to first identify what stage your market happens to be, next is to appeal to your market at their current stage, and then is to take them to the next stages through your marketing process.

Subscribe to my video channel, or subscribe to blog notification list in the sidebar.

Ask Michel Episode #3

In this episode of #AskMichel, I talk about something called the “meta-message,” the message behind the message. Like it or not, when you’re trying to communicate or convey a message, your message alone doesn’t tell the full story.

Your body language, your words, your tone, your pitch, your distance, your choice of colours, and others communicate more. And what they communicate can either support, enhance, or contradict your core message.

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Ask Michel Episode #4

In this episode of #AskMichel, I discuss a bit more about meta-messages and the power that they have to help or hurt you. I talk about something I call a UPA, or an “unconscious paralleled assumption,” which is the fact that people unconsciously assume there’s a parallel between a part and its whole.

It’s the judging-books-by-their-covers part of human nature. But in here I talk about meta-messages and how they unconsciously communicate a UPA, like it or not. In other words, the part they see, hear, touch is saying one thing. But the part they unconsciously interpret is another.

Do you have a question for me, or a marketing piece or strategy you would like for me to take a look at and critique? Simply ask me on the any of the social media platforms with #AskMichel and I will add it to the queue,

Subscribe to my video channel, or subscribe to blog notification list in the sidebar.

Ask Michel Episode #5

In this episode of #AskMichel, I talk about the power of implication over specification. When you make a claim, it’s suspect at best and boastful at worst. But when you imply that which you’re claiming, or imply something that can be interpreted as such through its #metamessage, then you have a far better chance to convey credibility and believability.

Do you have a question for me, or a marketing piece or strategy you would like for me to take a look at and critique? Simply ask me on the any of the social media platforms with #AskMichel and I will add it to the queue,

Subscribe to my video channel, or subscribe to blog notification list in the sidebar.

Ask Michel Episode #6

In this episode of #AskMichel​, I expand on a recent Twitter conversation that happened, where a SaaS founder declared that he doesn’t believe in adding benefits to marketing copy. I agree and disagree.

His opinion makes sense as he brought up a lot of important, validating points. But I think it misses the mark in others in that #benefits​ do have a place in sales copy. Just not all benefits, and not the same benefits for everyone. Knowing your audience is key.

I explore my thoughts in this episode.

Ask Michel Episode #7

In this new episode of #AskMichel, I discuss what I think about building backlinks. Yes, Backlinks are important for SEO. They are an important ranking factor and a must-have your arsenal of digital marketing efforts.

But as a professional who wants to drive targeted, qualified, easier-to-sell traffic to your website, begging people to link back to you seems unnatural, questionable, even sleazy.

(It reminds me a lot of when I used to knock on doors as a young, failing insurance salesperson trying to find prospects. I hated it with a passion.)

Instead, there’s a better way where you naturally earn and attract backlinks — without the need to do any selling, outreach, or even guest posting. The credibility you build through this process is far more powerful, valuable, and far-reaching than that which comes from begging for links.

Join my list to be notified when a new episode comes out.

Also, if you have a question for me, simply hashtag me at #AskMichel on any of the socials, and I’ll add it to the queue and answer it in a future episode.

Ask Michel Episode #8

In this episode of #AskMichel, I talk about a recent discovery call for my consulting services, which turned into a bit of a coaching session about how to start an online business (or add to an existing one).

This client wanted to sell brand new products to an existing clientele but without knowing if that market is willing to want and above all pay for her new products. So I gave her some guidance on how and where to start.

If you have a question for me, simply hashtag me at #AskMichel on any of the socials, and I’ll add it to the queue and answer it in a future episode.

Subscribe or visit my blog to join my list to be notified when new episodes come out.

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By Michel Fortin

Michel Fortin is a sought-after marketing authority, business advisor, and SEO expert specializing in organic visibility and growth. For 35 years, Michel has helped countless organizations and marketing leaders around the world achieve transformative success. He's also the author of the More Traffic Memo™ SEO email newsletter.